Saturday, March 04, 2006

A Drop in the Bucket...

When I am at work it is not about my feelings or my values. It is not ever about me it is always about those I serve. Whether they are being respect to me or not I will be respectful to them as best I can. If I do not model this behavior I thought no one else would! Thank goodness I was wrong in that thinking. There are others, more and more each day, who begin to treat each other as well as those we serve with dignity and respect!

1 comment:

SheDocLecter said...

But I would argue that while your feelings and values are not the focus, they do still make you better able to empathize with those you are trying to help, and that is why you, "Moon Doggie", connect more deeply with others and are more successful during your communication with those who are struggling. If all our interactions with these challenging young women were devoid of any respect from our end, I can only imagine what a horrid environment we and those we serve would experience--yikes! We must do our best to prevent that scenario, since I am certain that, were we in their place, we would wish for respect and kindness from those assigned to help us.