Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Good night All

Good Night Bisoux! Sleep well, dream well and stay safe. Tomorrow brings a whole new day to enjoy and explore!


I hope your Christmas was a happy one filled with love and peace. People who you love and care for at your side make the day even better.
My life is new once again this holiday season and it is like experiencing it for the first time. I feel like a little kid with wide eyes filled with wonder and joy.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Christmas Merry New Year

I'm sitting on a couch; I've just made a new friend. Bisoux is his name. He's a six month-old cat and seems to have befriended me. Isn't that what the holiday season is about--finding new friends, reconnecting with old friends, and remembering all we have to be happy about?

Happy Christmas, Healthy New Year to all.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Free Hugs

Free Hugs in Korea. A good idea is universal! A hug by any other name is still a Hug.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Is it ending or beginning?

Ever get the felling your not sure if things are at an ending or just beginning? My life is about to change and I am a ball of emotions. One moment I am fine and the next I am sobbing uncontrollably. I want to move on yet I am frightened to move on. I can't stay so I face my fear and move on with my life. I leave more than twenty years behind and I will try to keep as much of those years as I can. I have much to be happy for but to feel that happiness may take some time.
Divorce is a rough road to trod, there are so many things that get in the way yet move forward is what I must do. I am truly blessed with friends who are there to help and not judge. I do enough of that all by myself.
A wise person once said,"shit happens". Well it sure does, and most of the time we make it happen.
I feel a wave of melancholia sweeping over me so I am going to stop for today.
May your holidays be peaceful and happiness be yours.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Let it begin

The devil made me do it.


Thursday, December 07, 2006

As the year ends

It's hard to believe it is almost the end of 2006. Where has the time gone? This would be a good time to look over the past year and see just how I did.
Well maybe not. The last year has been a whirlwind of activity both good and not so good and if I look closely at the past year I think some people would say it was a very bad year. I on the other hand would offer a different outlook to my year and say that although it was very hard it was a good year for me. Part of my life came crashing down around me and another part was released to see the light of day after many long years of being hidden away from the world. I have grown and become much more gentle in my thoughts and actions.I have been able to push past sterotypes and lables and accept people for who they are and not see anything but that. It was and continues to be a rocky road to travel but I wouldn't miss it for the world.
I will post more on this topic.

Monday, December 04, 2006


By the way there was a sprinkling of snow this morning. It did not stick to anything but it is the first white stuff so far.
Can winter be far behind?


This is a crazy time if the year for me. In the rush to complete gift purchasing people oft tiems become crazed! They push and shove to get that special item that they just have to have. They scream at salespeople, like that will make inventory change, and at times attempt to take things right out of other peoples hands.
All in the name of Christmas, Oh my!
Where did the spirit of Christmas go?
When did we lose it?
What are we teaching our children about the meaning of Christmas?
Now there is a good question for us all, What does Christmas mean to each of us?

I think we need to be more like Scrooge and remember to keep Christmas in our hearts every day of the year.

As Tiny Tim said," bless us all , every one"

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Here comes the sun

The sun has graced us today with it's presence. So I thought some music to celebrate all the good things today has brought.
Feels like snow in the air! I am ready for whatever Mother has in store today.

Purple Haze

Video quality is poor but Audio is pure magic.

All along the watchtower

Hendrix - Wild Thing

Wild thing....

Jimi Hendrix

Give a listen to, in my opinion, the greatest performers of all time.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Rainy day

Fridays are something to look forward to usually but when you work the weekend Friday just becomes another day to get through. It has been damp and now it is raining, what a gloomy day it is.
The unit has been through hell in the last few weeks and We all could use a break in the action. I am feeling overwhelmed and each incident only makes things worse for me. I am glad to work with good people who are all looking for the same thing. Safety and diginity for everyone, Staff and those we serve.