Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

Here it is, father's day and I am sad. Sad because My old man is dead and gone. I am amazed how many things I learned from my old man, things I didn't even know I learned until bang there it was. My dad was not really old but I was really young and what does a young man know about life? He did whatever he needed to do for his family. He worked hard, drank harder and rarely played but when he did he played hardest of all.
I learned right from wrong, truth and compassion from my old man. He taught me to be fair and watch out for those who couldn't watch out for themselves. I never had to wonder if my old man loved me. He loved us all even when we hated him. No strings attached to his love.
Some dad's are not so loving. I thank goodness that I had a dad who was.
My son and daughter called me today to wish me a happy father's day and I felt great.
Have you called your Dad? Do it now.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Tired of living? It's easy to do.

Wild horses couldn't drag me away from you. I look forward to each and every day knowing you are there. How lucky am I? Things are good even when they suck. I don't need a magician to know my future is bright.