Tuesday, October 31, 2006


So will Ya?


I went to visit some very old and very good friends over the weekend it was a five hour trip but it was worth every minute. I haven't seen Arnold and Juanita for almost 16 years yet it was like I just left them yesterday. The warmth and genuine love and caring I was given by these two extraordinary people will always be remembered and cherished. I promised not to let 16 years go by before I visit again and I will keep that promise. By the way I left my shoes so now I have to visit again.
A more peaceful couple you will never find. I basked in their happiness and was regenerated both physically and emotionally.

Thank you.

Music is the thing today

I have been surfing the web lately listening to music of all sorts and found this . I hope you enjoy

Monday, October 30, 2006

Happiness is a warm, yes it is .........Friendship

OK I just got back from a weekend with two of the most amazing people on the face of the earth! I am not joking. Juanita and Arnold helped me believe that all things happen for a reason and things will work out, given time and friends to help keep you focused. I had forgotten what it felt like to be accepted for who you are. My lord what a horrible thing to happen to someone. As I left them in their driveway I had already begun to miss them. Luckily I had a five hour drive ahead of me in which time I could bask in the warmth of their love.
I am blessed...
Thank You Both!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


have you seen this film? If not it is a good escape from the grind

What I would give for time

Time seems to be going by way too fast. It seems like only yesterday I was full of hopes and dreams and thought anything was possible. I am sorry to say that I have fewer hopes and my dreams have taken a hit also. I still do think that anything is possible no matter what people say to the contrary. I find if I am willing to just stay the course no matter what, things do turn out right. It's all a matter of time. What I would give for some time.
Thanks for all the support folks, you know who you are but more importantly I know who you are mostly. For the ones I do not personally, well to you all I can say is I wish I did know you, Thanks.

I wonder if this will work

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Stress relief

I have decided to visit some friends in New York for the weekend. I need a few friendly faces and a compliment every once in awhile so I am heading to friendlier climes.

The never ending story

Life for me at work seems to have spiraled out of control lately. I was hopeful that all the crap was just about over and done with but I was wrong. Now it seems my supervisor has got on the gossip bus. If you thought I was mad before well let me tell you I am near homicidal. HR is my next stop on this insane journey. Drop by again to hear how HR helped. I am being so very optimistic and hopeful. We shall see.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Lost and Found

Out of the Blue when I needed it the most I got a call from a lost friend. Now they didn't lose me I lost them. I am foolish to let anyone get lost when real friends are something special.
Hello there and thank you for finding me.

Same shit ,new day

I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it any longer!
I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it any longer!
I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it any longer!

I have rights that are being trampled on and I want it to end! I am about to take the fight to the opposing team. I will not have my private life dragged throughout my workplace by gossip hungry co-workers.
You know who you are, you need to stop. You seem to get some pleasure out of this. Enjoy yourself, you time is almost over. Your mouth will be your downfall. Buy a dictionary and look up the words professionalism, boundaries and privacy. Then go back under the rock you crawled out from.

My friends I want to thank you again for all your support.
All you little people leave me alone, you make me ill.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Work is becoming more stressful if that is possible. People feel unsafe and leaderless. Nobody wants to make a decision because people feel that they will not get support from management.
I work with some very excellent people yet they have been second guessed constantly. When they have attempted to make changes they were stymied time and again.
Micro breweries make really good beer, micro management makes people crazy. It is the real sign of a poor manager.


Just what the hell is this freedom People are always talking about. I don't know about you but I don't seem to have much freedom going on at the moment. People just can't seem to get out of my shit! I feel like a damn fish in a bowl and everyone just keeps peeking in and tapping on the glass.
PEOPLE I am not that interesting! Go watch cartoons or whatever it is you do to keep your little minds busy. Just leave me the hell alone. You are all pitiful, little people.
Whatever happened to personal privacy?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive Distortions
Most of us take the way we feel for granted.
Just as we often take our feelings for granted, so we often take for granted the thoughts that cause them.
We frequently speak as if events or other people "make" us happy or sad or scared or excited. But this isn't quite true.
Even when it seems as if we were reacting directly to events in our environment, if we look more closely we can see that it's not that simple. We don't react directly to an event; we react to our interpretation of the event.

Nothing is simple. Life is complicated.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Life moves forward or ends. It never goes backwards. If you don't do something now the chance slips away forever! You may be lucky and do it at a later time but that one instant in time is lost forever. Imagine what might have happened if we took the risk the instant it afforded itself?
Live for today my friends you just never know what tomorrow holds for you.