Thursday, December 07, 2006

As the year ends

It's hard to believe it is almost the end of 2006. Where has the time gone? This would be a good time to look over the past year and see just how I did.
Well maybe not. The last year has been a whirlwind of activity both good and not so good and if I look closely at the past year I think some people would say it was a very bad year. I on the other hand would offer a different outlook to my year and say that although it was very hard it was a good year for me. Part of my life came crashing down around me and another part was released to see the light of day after many long years of being hidden away from the world. I have grown and become much more gentle in my thoughts and actions.I have been able to push past sterotypes and lables and accept people for who they are and not see anything but that. It was and continues to be a rocky road to travel but I wouldn't miss it for the world.
I will post more on this topic.

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