Monday, March 13, 2006

Apple of my eye

I spoke to my daughter last evening and during the conversation I let her know two things that I needed her to know. First that she was and always will be the apple of my eye. That it was my daughter that taught me how to be a dad and more importantly how to be a man. I know this may sound strange but that is what it is. My daughter would sometimes say to me that I loved my son more than her. I was never able to explain to her how so very much she means to me, because I was foolish enough not to share just how I really felt about her. Shame on me!
She knows exactly how I feel about her today and my plan is to keep it that way.
Second, my son has special needs and because of this I must say I cut him lots of slack while not cutting my daughter almost any! Her perception was I loved him more. I do love my son up one side and down the other but My daughter was my first child, she was my teacher. She was and is and always will be, "The Apple of my eye".

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