Friday, May 05, 2006

What is important

Ever get the feeling that things are just spinning out of control. Maybe losing sight of what is important and what is just not worth getting worried about. Maybe just burned out by the constant urgency of those you work with. Maybe the inability to communicate what is really important to you is driving you right to the edge.
Well I feel as if I have been on the edge for the longest time and just need to ease back or I will go over tthe edge. Thats right, just burn baby burn.
I need... What do I need? Support, help, understanding and some basic communication. Is this too much to ask, I wonder?

1 comment:

SheDocLecter said...

...and it sounds like you could also use a couple of days off. One can only give all of oneself for so long before burn-out becomes inevitable. Give yourself a break so that you can return energized and ready to tackle all these challenges.