Thursday, May 04, 2006


It is amazing how some new faces can turn the entire place upside down. New people seem to send the long time residents into a tail dive. Everything from self image problems to feeling that they are not smart enough. Clicks start and then it's all out war between the girls and that means chaos on the floor.
Now add to that staff feeling stressed by any number of things and we have the recipe for a melt down of huge proportions. When we as staff struggle with communicating with each other how will be able to communicate with those we serve? The place feels like it is going to explode and I as well as my fellow co-workers feel unable to stop the negative momentum. It is like watching a speeding train attempting to make a turn and knowing full well that it will derail because there is too much momentum. I hate feeling helpless and that is what I feel most of the time of late.
We had a staff meeting today and we at least are beginning to talk to each other. That is the best thing that has happened in the last two weeks. It does give me hope that we will be able to turn the corner and begin to work once again as a team. A team that was and can be again a very powerful influence in the girls lives.
I sometimes wonder if anyone is reading what I write and sometimes I think the hell with this but I keep on posting hoping someone will read and maybe even respond. I guess I am ever the optimist, or maybe just a glutton for punishment. You decide.

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