Friday, January 12, 2007

Winter blues

Well looks like winter is still missing in action yet the temperature is beginning to drop. The weather people say we may get some snow next week but you never know.
One can still be blue though and alas I am there! I have always been a bit down during the winter months, a little "SAD" perhaps. Life has changed so much for me in the last few months. I feel like I have be on a long journey and just now returned to myself. I have been very emotional lately and find I am close to tears often. I avoid the radio as the songs can trigger a tear fest. I do my best to stay focused and busy but the best laid plans go right down the drain sometimes.
My son and I have a trip to the Baseball Hall of Fame planned for the end of the month and I look forward to the trip with him. We have not been there in 8 or 9 years so it will be fun.
My daughter is coming back from Ireland this weekend and heading back to school so I will be able to chat more often than the last three weeks. A college senior now I often wonder where the years have gone since I first held her in my arms as a new born?

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