Sunday, November 12, 2006

we should never forget

Why I wear a poppy
Chris Corrigan
Parking lot

“We all fight on two fronts, the one facing the enemy and the one facing what we do to the enemy.”
– Joseph Boyden, Three Day Road, p. 301

I wish I could find a more coherent way to talk about this, about the complex set of emotions I feel in wearing a poppy and believing in peace. .....

Rememberance Day is coming and I choose to remember the men and women that I am paying to fight in Afghanistan. I am not a friend of war, and especially not a friend of this one, and I desperately wish for these men and women that if they have to confront these two fronts that it be rather in the service of a better story than the one we are being told about terror. ....

I wear a poppy today to remember those that are caught in these conflicts - the innocents and those we pay - and to remember that when they come home we owe them wholeness and a responsibility to help them heal themselves from the wars that they fight, on both fronts.

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